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Holiday Colds and Ginger Tea

The holidays are are in full swing with much excitement in the air for most of us. It is a busy time of the year with work, socials and family events.

But why is it that as soon as we get to stay home and relax we suddenly come down with a cold or the flu?

It's almost like our bodies wait until we have the space and time to deal with a cold. The period before the holidays is usually super busy, we run on adrenaline and coupled with that the adrenal glands produce cortizol. When work pressure eases and the holidays begin, stress levels usually fall and the production of adrenaline stops. This can lead to a temporary surplus of cortisol which weakens the immune system and makes us more prone to illness.

Couple with this altered diet, late nights and over consumption and we really do elicit a state more conducive to a dampened immune response.

So for the Christmas Holidays I have put together a wish list to help your immune system stay strong and healthy. I am also sharing my fantastic ginger tea recipe.

Immune Defence Tools. Click The Image To Find These Products.

Ginger Tea Immune Defence Recipe

Thumb size grated ginger

1/2 tsp black pepper

1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

1/2 tsp tumeric

slice of lemon

1 tsp honey

Put all ingredients into a cup and add hot water. Stir and drink to alleviate cold and flu symptoms.

And last but not least. Reduce Stress, Anxiety and Sleep Better with this wonderful piece of kit - I love mine, still use it often.

Happy Holidays Everyone. From My Heart To Yours and In Health and Happiness.

If you decide to make a purchase through my links I might earn a commission, at no cost to you.’ Aways grateful for the support through community. I only promote products I have tested or believe in. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

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